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Original Art, Framed Prints, and Embellished Prints available here. All artwork in this section will come signed.

Extra Large Artwork

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Prices in this section already include shipping. If you live near Oklahoma City message me about possible local delivery or pickup discounts.

Geode Style Art

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Ring Trays

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We do accept a few custom orders. Please feel free to message me.

silver wine stopper with multicolored handmade epoxy crystal on top with eight different sized points with orange, pink, dark blue and gold colors


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Wine and Bottle Stoppers, Coffee Mugs, Drinkware, Charcuteri Boards, Water Bottles


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These prints will not come signed. If you would like an embellished or signed print please message me and I will make that happen.


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T-shirts, hoodies, and more

Shoes And Totes

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And so much more...

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Journals, Postcards,Puzzles, Flags, Phone Cases