HastyWords - Mixed Media Artist


I started painting when my daughter was young as a way for us to bond. This grew into an ambitious journey of pure joy for both of us. When she moved away to university to study graphic design, I was left with a room full of art supplies and an insatiable need to create.

Specializing in mixed media, I never know where my artistic journey will lead me. Each one is like a child in a way, with mysteries and contrasts and individuality. I’m always so curious what they will become. Sometimes you make the art. Sometimes it makes you. 

You can’t even call them paintings anymore really. They demand inclusions of beach glass or sand, or sometimes real or fabricated crystals. Epoxy, plasters, inks, woods, sometimes even things like toys or shells or fabrics.

And every now and then, my daughter brings over a coffee and we spend a lazy Sunday doing what we’ve always done. I’ll make an ocean, and she’ll paint a dolphin jumping out of it. Art makes my life beautiful. Let it make yours beautiful too.